Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Online travel and the underlying web of B2C and (many) B2B companies

Happy new year of the horse!  I'm celebrating Chinese New Year with my family in San Francisco bay area, followed by my first Startup Grind 2014 conference in Mountain View.

I won't have time to do much blogging in between my new year family feasts, but here's an interesting graphic I thought I could quickly share.  I came across this 'map' which helps categorize the various players and sub sectors within the travel vertical.  Full credit to Mozio for putting this together.  Despite some missing companies and those that could straddle across several buckets, this really is a comprehensive one-stop shop of a graphic.

Although I've worked many years in the travel industry in hotels, activities, and OTAs, I'm still amazed by the expansive underlying plumbing in online travel, especially on the B2B side.

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